Hello momma!
Thank you so so much for your emails! I love being able to hear from you and I am so glad you are doing well. And going on walks with Marie? Does she make you bread? :) Sister Thaine is sweet.
I forget to answer your questions all of the time. You should watch You've Got Mail for me and Serendipity and No Reservations! And 13 Going on 30! I made a list of American movies that Sister De Fiesta should watch. Go eat some TCBY for me too. Also, President Carlos really wants some Italian recipes! Maybe send some? Or email some to him? There are some people here with lice, and I'm just paranoid... Mostly what I like here are the baked goods, but they are really few and far between. I miss frozen yogurrrrrttttt. Hair removal creme would be nice, make up remover, Lipton soup!, fruit snacks, homemade rolls or cookiesssss mmmmJ Wishful thinkingJ Anything that will make my skin stop freaking out. I also liked those socks you sent to me. Garments would be nice too. Just what you can afford, Mom. Don't overdo it.
I cooked linguine with marinara for Sister D.F. this week.
I am in San Mariano right now with the elders in my district. We went to the crocodile farm! I held a baby crocodile (picture attached) after a few of the missionaries, and right as I was holding it, it decided to pee. I was the chosen one. :) We got here by jeepne, which are big metal jeeps with the backs open and two bench seats along the windows--they're usually pretty ghetto-fied. Google them. We passed through some beautiful scenery--green mountains with palm trees, caribou, wide rivers, puffy clouds.
Oh P.S.! We have electricity again. Still no water. But at least now we can see what we're eating for dinner.
We had splits this week in Cauayan. When I came home to Sister D.F., I found a flower in the fridge and a note attached, from Sister De Fiesta. It said she had a surprise for me and told me to go about my daily activities as normal, and it would be revealed. Mysterious. We went to our first appointment of the day--Jerry and Maryann. Before our lesson, they pulled out a big white folder and Sister De Fiesta said, "This is your surprise!" I opened it, and it was their marriage papers! Finally. They have been waiting for about 5 months to get married so they could be baptized. I squealed--almost screamed--with excitement. They set the date for Saturday. So, Saturday we had a wedding here AND a baptism.
The font at the chapel hasn't been used in almost a year, so the priesthood spent a lot of time Friday cleaning it out. Then they discovered the water wasn't running from the pump. The baptism was supposed to be at 1:00pm on Saturday, but we waited for them to fix the running water. By 4:30 the water was running, but it was taking so long that Sister De Fiesta and I filled buckets from the bathroom faucet and alternated dumping water into the font to speed up the process. Many people from the branch came to support them. I played and sang "I Stand All Amazed" on guitar for them. Sister Maryann bore a simple and sweet testimony. It has been amazing to see their countenances grow brighter and brighter each time we see them. And especially now. They are so happy.
Our lessons with Sister Shela have become so beautiful. She is opening herself up to us more and more with each visit. We teach her with her two little girls (in the picture with all of the kids, they are in between Sister De Fiesta and I) about Joseph Smith and how she needs to pray to know if he was a true prophet. We haven't been able to teach her with her husband, because he works at night. Without electricity, our curfew was 6 every day. But now we are able to stay out later. We had a lesson with them all this week, as a complete family. The husband is a less active member, but is so kind and happy that his wife is being taught by us. It's amazing the difference we felt in the lesson, with the priesthood holder of the family there. Sister De Fiesta does magic for the little girls--makes candy appear, etc. One day this week, we were just passing by to say hello, and when the little girls saw us they squealed and ran and shouted, "The sisters! The sisters!" Shela wasn't feeling well, and Sister De Fiesta asked the girls, "What do we do when nanay isn't feeling well??" They said in unison, "Prayyyy." "What do we pray for?" And one of the little girls said, "For Joseph Smith." :) They are little sponges. They came to church as a whole family yesterday. :)
We taught a lesson about the creation, and Sister De Fiesta touched the Cauayan of the home that we sat outside of. She asked the investigator, "Before this house was here, where was this Cauayan?" And we bore testimony that everything comes from and is created by God.
I played guitar for Sister De Fiesta in our apartment, and she made me laugh so hard. When I was done playing she said, "Wow. Do you see my eyes?" And I was like..."What's wrong with your eyes?" And she said, "They are heart shapes!"
This week is transfer week. I am scareddddddddddddddd. I have grown to love both the people in my area AND Sister De Fiesta so much. It has been a joy being here with her. Even through our no electricity, no water days, we have had so much fun together. I almost have a feeling though that I will stay in the area to lead it and she will be transferred. We will seeeeeeeeeeee. I know that whatever will happen is what God intends. I know that with my Savior, I can fill whatever shoes are given me to wear.
I love this quote: "Our individual worth is already divinely established as 'great,' it does not fluctuate like the stock market." Neal A. Maxwell
I love you momma. Send my love to everyone. I pray for you every day.
So much love.
Your little missionary,
Sister Fort
PS: First Pic, Me with the Baby Crocodile;/ Second Pic, All the Little Girl's happy to see us :), Third Picture is Sister Maryann and Brother Jerry at their BAPTISM!
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