Mommaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, Family and Friends,
It's so funny, that breathing technique thing that you did in your RS lesson is one that Sister De Fiesta and I have been trying last week and this week with our investigators. So many times when we go to people's homes, there are buses roaring by outside or noisey children playing next door or five billion roosters crowing outside. So what we've been doing is acknowledging the disturbances around us, then encouraging everyone to take deep breaths in and out and BE HERE NOW. Sister De Fiesta and I laugh about it, sometimes while we're doing it--sometimes its just a way to relieve any tension and have our investigators see that we're normal people with senses of humor. Afterwards of course, we'll sing a hymn to invite the Spirit and we'll begin our teaching. :) It's so funny that we both decided to try this in our teaching. Are we related? We were both definitely inspired!! ;)
Last Monday Nanay Marinduque was in the hospital with high blood. We called the Elders in Ilagan to come and give her a blessing. She was home the next day and we visited her. I love their family so much.
This week we had our Cauayan Zone Conference and our quarterly interviews with president. It was funny, first thing President said to me in my interview was basically, "Are you okay now? Are you adjusted? Are you done freaking out?" He didn't say that exactly, but...basically. I told him yes. And that I am finally getting into the groove here. Then he said, "You're doing absolutely wonderful. If you weren't, I'd have told you already." :) He then talked again about how he prayed so hard about who my companion/trainer would be and that Sister De Fiesta and I have made an excellent team. He joked that he couldn't give me the best companion and the most developed area ever at the same time. It would be unfair. But since it's almost summer here, he's decided to send me to the coolest place in the mission--as far as temperature goes. !!!!! Are you ready?!?? ///??? This is still top secret news, but President told me so I wouldn't be shocked on transfer day. I will be transfered to Solano, by Nueva Viscaya, which is in the same area as the rice terraces!! Cool, huhh?? He said my new companion will be Sister Banks, an American. I have mixed feelings. I know I will miss many of the members here in Naguilian--especially Nanay Lumingggggggggg and the Marinduques--and I will miss being with Sister De Fiesta. But I know and feel that it's time to move on.
Sister De Fiesta and I have been cherishing every last moment together. She's already been getting emotional from time to time. I made her the best BR (Book of Remembrance) page ever with all of our memories on it together.
Thursday was our splits day--Sister Webre was supposed to come to Naguilian and I was supposed to lead the area, but Sister Webre had a bad fever. So I went to Cauayan and stayed with her in their apartment while Sister De Fiesta and Stewart went to train in a different area. And guess what! I got whatever she had. Friday and Saturday I was almost out of commission--I tried not to let it happen entirely. We still got some lessons in despite my aches and cough. Sister Carlos called me and told me to take a two hour nap, and the elders came to give me a blessing. I am feeling much better now. One of the days I felt sick, and an inspired stranger picked me the most beautiful flower I have ever seen in my entire life. There is no exaggeration in that statment. I have never seen this type of flower before, and it literally took my breath away. What a sweet samaratin and a sweet blessing from Heaven.
This week we had planned a mission half-day with the branch on Saturday. Our Zone Leaders came and went on splits with the members who showed up. This was such a blessing to us--Sister De Fiesta and I--because our work was hurting this week (due to sicknesses and such). The elders basically worked in proxy for us in our area.
We are teaching a family called the Sanchez family. I think I wrote about them before. They are all so beautiful. There are 10 children total. Four came to church last week, two came this week. But one of the boys, Eric, has expressed twice his desire to be baptised. We are so excited for this family. They live in a cauayan home with a dirt floor, and the mother just had a baby about a month ago. She says the baby wants to keep nursing nursing, but nothing will come because she hasn't been eating herself. Her cut from her C section still aches, so her children clean and cook. Her husband works long hours every day. But when we talk with them about God, they express such gratitude to Him for all he does for their family--that they are alive, that they have work. I am amazed by their faith and ability to smile, despite their hard circumstances. They have a cute little three year old and every time we go there, I do magic for him. He reminds me of what Nathan looked like when he was a toddler, with a huge smile. Last time I gave him a See's lollipop, and his cheek was so big from holding it. (Sister De Fiesta is eating a See's lollipop in her picture--haha) I left them with some Lipton soup packets, Momma, I hope you dont mind...
I gave a talk yesterday in sacrament on missionary work AND gave the lesson in Sunday School on being born again. Sister De Fiesta taught combined Relief Society and Priesthood. Haha. We were basically church yesterday.
I taught Sister De Fiesta how to play chess, with a random chess set we found in our apartment. It's on our table and we play while we're eating breakfast/lunch/dinner. We're still not finished. I'll let you know who wins. :)
Today we have a CSP in Cabautan. There is so much to doooooooooooo on PDays but never enough time.
Also, Alma 8 = the story of Sister De Fiesta and me in Naguilian. (In our mission BOM reading, we are in Alma 8,9,10 and during comp study this morning Sister DF and I were LOLing about this) Alma 10 is the story of Nanay Luming and Marinduque family. Tonight we are being fed by Nanay Luming and we plan to share scriptures from Alma 10--maraming blessings para sa kanya! :)
I love you sososo much momma. Always remember that :) I love you all, thank you for all that you do for me and your constant support.
Your bebe, Sister, and Friend,
Sister Fort
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